
Please read this first!

Go to the home page to see where the font and layout came from

This page will be where fun data analytics projects and thoughts will go.

The State Machine

I wrote a poem during a business trip in 2019 about some of my frustrations at my job. I thought it would be a cool project to create a Power BI dashboard based on the lines, words, and phonemes in the poem. I don't think I can directly upload the PBIX file to this site since I don't have a workspace for it, but please feel free to look at the the script, data, and dashboard in Github here!

DnD Character Analysis

Back in 2022, I wanted to take some time to freshen up my skills in Power BI with a game I loved: Dungeons and Dragons. I found a great dataset by oganm on Github that updated weekly with DnD character information. Based on that script, I created a cleaned up dataset with lineage, background, and class information and created a Power BI dashboard showing common characters and influences on character class and lineage. Please feel free to look at the the script, data, and dashboard in Github here!

This website is still in progress! And will be forever. Probably. Or until I forget about it. Whichever comes first.

Check the links in the sidebar for more of whatever I add to this website!

Please enjoy!